Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Properly Pack a Gear Bag Instructional Video

Visit to purchase scuba gear, scuba diving equipment & snorkeling gear. This instructional video demonstrates how to properly pack your gear bag before a dive. If your bag has the large fin pockets on the sides, slide one 1 pair with the 1st fin blade down then the 2nd fin blade up. Do the same on the other side if packing for 2 divers. Any heavy objects should be placed at the bottom of your bag. If carrying dive lights, take the batteries out and pack them in a different part of the bag. Use your mask box that came with your purchase & take the snorkel off. Fold your wetsuit so it lays flat on the back of the bag. This will provide additional cushioning for the rest of your equipment. Next, lay your BCD on top of your wetsuit. Then you can start to fill in the spaces with your mask box, snorkel, booties, gloves, t-shirts, short, flip-flops, bathing suit, rash guards, dive skins & ball caps for the sun. Most of the larger Roller Bags have a removable Padded Regulator Bag which can be stored in the front pouch.

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