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There are four pieces of diving equipment that I think are necessary for your safety and diving. I make a point with them with me on every dive trips and diving adventure cruises Asia than I do. My experience in the water showed me the importance of this potentially life-saving tool diver for you and your friends.
Sausage security, these surface markers is the cheapest piece of diving equipment to purchase in addition to a whistle, it also a good thing, but it canToday there are almost always standard on many "BCD". The sausage security can also be seen in rough seas a long way to the naked eye. Today, there are brands that a strip of night lights that shine very bright when used with any type of light.
A light dip, Burn, preferably an LED light, as time is so long. At night, when you drift, you can use the attention of passing boats, helicopters or planes. Of course, if a searchis made for you in the night, you actually increase your chances of being seen. I pocket all the time, when I look at the holes for the little creatures about diving, I use a lot of pocket easily, always knowing in my mind that I've got to sleep and go missing in the night.
Knife me once in Cambodia with a group I remember was diving and I was watching something and split up when I take the position on the ground, I swam very closein a large, almost invisible, net ghost! It would be very easy to get caught with a knife, and I have had a very hard to get out of it.
I have a friend who fished with nets Hawaii ago shore lines, and if it does so in the night, he swims naked can happen to hang something on the net and drowning him, that, in order not to reduce this type of fishing.
Dive computers today are very inexpensive and last for years. Why trustold analog gauges with tables and charts, if you can have this very important piece of diving equipment, calculated for most divers, less than a dollar for every dive. The curve is something you do not want to confuse deal with a dive computer, you can move your wrist or console dive right where you are like you and duration of the nitrogen load that also explain how much of a decompression you should do if you inadvertently exceedsafety limits on your planned dive profile.
Dive with a sausage security, economic and very easy to see in the open sea if you can get light reflector, the better.
Dive light as a signal for use at night to attract the attention of boats, helicopters and search planes.
Dive Knife for fishing line and fishing nets that could make you run cut.
A dive computer prevents you from accidentally getting decompression sickness(INN)
Want to plan your dive and dive the plan and be prepared with the right diving equipment.
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